Zomato Top Ten!!
Just popping in quickly to say woohoo!!!
Just popping in quickly to say woohoo!!!
Anyone who’s been following my fledgling attempts to carve out a writing career, and eat something other than tinned tuna, may have already heard the news. Two of my books…
The Ponder Room started as a space to share all those weird and wonderful thoughts that pop into your head, often when you’re pondering on the toilet. Over the years I was asked to review…
A quick thank you to the regular readers on here. I’ve been missing in action for a while under a sea of research, some guest speaking engagements and a trip…
I’m absolutely thrilled to have joined a team of 40 ‘well-known Perth Bloggers’ contributing to Tweet Perth.com.au. Anyone who’s been to my Personal Branding workshops will know my take on…
The other day I meet four fellow bloggers for lunch. While we regularly chat online we rarely have time to catch up in person. This chance meeting had me pondering…
Why is it that just when you’re about to thrust your fluffy white towel of surrender into the air, something or someone, comes along to steady your hand and suggest…
This post has been updated to include 15 links to other great blogs.So thrilled to let you know that The Ponder Room has received a Versatile Blogger Award woohoo! The Award looks at the uniqueness…
Last weekend blogging guru Darren Rowse ventured over to Western Australia to present the inaugural Problogger event. The chance to sit at the feet of someone who’s been blogging for…