A writers life is made up of endless hours of isolated hard graft often with very little feedback. Sometimes this makes it extremely difficult to assess whether you should keep chasing the dream, or cut your losses and pack it in. On the weekend I received a timely reminder that motivation can come from the weirdest places.
At the moment I’m 80,000 words deep into the first draft of my next book, my first novel length piece of fiction. While I wake up each day excited about where my main character is going to take me, there are days when I question what I’m doing. On those days I’m looking for even the smallest sign to keep me going.
‘That’s fantastic,’ I beamed.
‘But …?
Several months ago I was told that a copy of my third book, Me Time: 100 Strategies for Guilt-free Me Time, was sitting in a doctor’s waiting room in inner city Perth. I was absolutely chuffed to think of someone flicking through the pages while waiting to see their GP.
This week the person who’d bought the book and placed it in the waiting room approached me looking very upset.
‘I’ve got some bad news,’ she explained, concern etched across her face, ‘your book’s gone missing, we think someone’s stolen it, I’m really sorry’.
‘Yes it was there the other day but not now, someone’s definitely taken it.’
‘Thanks for telling me, I’m wrapped, you mean someone’s been sitting there, opened the book, started reading it and decided they couldn’t leave it behind. That’s absolutely fantastic. I’ve made it, someone’s actually stolen my book, you’ve made my day.’
To all my fellow goal-setters out there I know you’ll understand. Remember that feedback doesn’t have to take on the form of a large cheque (although that would certainly help), sometimes even the smallest sign is enough to keep you going. Keep your eyes open for small signs as well as large.
Now back to work.
Footnote: Should mention that this doesn’t give you all license to go around stealing my books, I can only survive on baked beans and tuna for so long.
Footnote: Should mention that this doesn’t give you all license to go around stealing my books, I can only survive on baked beans and tuna for so long.
I agree that’s a bit exciting that someone stole your book, positive thinking xx
Only time I’ve been excited about something being stolen
Perhaps you could include “Light Fingers” in your novel
I couldn’t help but laugh. I love that measure of making it. I must admit though that I would be devastated if someone stole my copy of this book. I LOVE it!
Ta BIQ. I reckon they really must have needed it. Just thrilled it might help a bit. Keep well