No you can’t live on an island paradise, yet (Ian Usher update)


Regular readers will remember reading about my friend Ian Usher, who sold his life on eBay in 2006, well it’s time for another update, and there’s so much to tell I’ll split it into two posts. For starters there’s the small matter of Ian selling the island.

Thanks to Ian Usher

You’ll remember that in 2006 Ian sold his life on eBay, then went round the world achieving 100 goals in 100 weeks, bought a Caribbean Island, built a house on it, and then put the island up for sale, yes? (If not there are links to these posts below). I can report that the Island is now off the market … for now.

Thanks to Ian Usher
It’s sold and sadly not to a Ponder Room reader.
The new owner is Graham Hughes and his partner Casey.

Graham won $100,000 on a reality show called SOS Island and had to spend the money on something ‘island related’.
Rather than simply rent an island for a short stay he decided to invest in one third of Ian’s Island … clever bloke. 

For the next 12 months Graham plans to make the island more self sufficient , while Ian and Vanessa are travelling. He’ll be blogging about his experience so let me know if you want the link. Then … they will both look at selling the island again.
Graham Hughs

So there’s hope yet for anyone who missed out the first time.

In the meantime it’s back to work for the rest of us, and pondering the day when we can kick back under a palm tree.
Readers will also know that Ian did a Tedx Talk (from-truck-driver-to-tedx-presenter-ian) He’s also been featured on Ben Fogle’s New Lives In The Wild TV program for Channel 5, which I’ll post about next week.
Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5
Other posts about Ian’s life include

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