Can you have too much of a good thing? (Ian Usher Island Life, Ben Folgle)


As promised here’s the next instalment about Ian Usher and his island life, for those of you wanting to ponder something other than what to cook tonight. It certainly left me pondering …

Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5

Ian and Vanessa’s Island has recently been featured on Ben Fogle’s New Lives In The Wild TV program on Channel 5.

The show features people who have chosen to live off the beaten track and Ian is in episode 4. Ben stayed on the island for a week to get an idea of Ian’s life with his partner Vanessa.

Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5

Here are a few behind the scenes shots to make you feel jealous. Ian has a book out with more behind the scenes shots, so let me know if you want a link to that. He’s also had a Korean film crew come visit the island for Seoul Broadcasting Service.

Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5

The part I find the most fascinating at the moment is that Ian and Vanessa have now left the island to travel for a year. Makes me ponder whether it really is true … that you can have too much of a good thing. Still I wouldn’t mind trying for a month or six.

Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5
Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5
Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5
Thanks to Ian Usher and Channel 5

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