Hotel Mumbai tells the real life story of the 2008 Taj Hotel terrorist attack in Mumbai. I cannot recommend this movie enough. It’s about courage, compassion, resilience and humanity.

Thanks Hotel Mumbai
The story is told from the point of view of hotel employee and young father Arjun (Dev Patel), who sets off for work in the five star hotel. We know that he’s left one of his work shoes behind, so it’s no surprise that he’s sent home by the head chef Oberoi (Anupam Kher). Badly in need of money, however, Arjun fights hard to stay and is allowed to do so, creating a closing doors moment.
At the opposite end of the wealth spectrum, David (Armie Hammer) and Zarah (Nazanin Boniadi) arrive with baby and nanny Sally (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) in tow.

Thanks to Hotel Mumbai
As staff and guests settle into their roles, a handful of areas beyond the hotel are feeling the impact of the terrorists. By the time the half dozen terrorists reach the hotel the body count is already unthinkably high. Once inside the young men shoot staff and guests as if they were clay pigeons provided purely for their enjoyment.
Becoming aware of the mounting situation inside, Oberoi gives his staff an option, stay and help or leave without any disgrace. The vast majority stayed, signaling their commitment to duty and a belief that the customer is king. Their decisions are all the more powerful when you remember this is based on a true story.
What follows is an edge of your seat thriller. While there have been many movies made about terrorist attacks it’s hard to think of one that holds the tension so effectively from beginning to end. The end credits, that tell of the real life result, drive the message of unselfish heroism home even further. I’ll let you experience this for yourself.
It feels a bit strange to say that I really liked this movie given the horrific base in came from. Suffice to say I have never finished watching a movie and wanted to jump on a plane to visit the area. To support the hotel and hug the staff.
As I sat trying to compose myself before the lights came on I pondered:
- When the real life images appeared, rather than looking out of place, you tended to stare deeper into them trying to soak in even more insights;
- I’m not sure how many customer service employees would display the same unselfish devotion to the customer;
- It was interesting to see elements from the point of view of the young terrorists too;
- This is a long way from the hotel movie that helped establish Patel’s career.
- Amazing to think this a debut feature for Anthony Maras;
- The stories of the heroic staff will stay with me forever as an example of never giving up. Thank you to everyone who made this movie possible.
For more information go to Luna Cinema