The life of a reviewer means we often have to go outside our comfort zone. Upgrade, fits into that category for me, and I have to say I was totally unprepared for how much I enjoyed it. It’s a fast paced, hilarious ride in a Frankenstein meets Terminator virtual world.

Thanks to Madman
Upgrade is set in the future where mechanic, vintage car lover, and technophobe Grey Trace (Logan Marshall-Green) is delivering a car to one of his clients, billionaire inventor Eron Keen (Harrison Gilbertson), who heads up tech giant Vessel. Not being into technology Grey asks his wife Asha (Melanie Vallejo) to come along, as she works for rival tech company Cobolt. While at Vessel, Eron shows off his latest creation, STEM, a tiny widget that boosts the capabilities of whatever it’s inserted into.
On the way home the couple find themselves in the wrong end of town thanks to an errant driver-less car. When the car crashes four men arrive, shoot Asha dead and crush Grey’s spinal column. Clearly they’re having a bad day.
While trying to come to grips with life as a quadriplegic Grey is visited by Eron, who suggests having STEM implanted into his spine. After some deliberation Grey agrees as it will allow him to search for the men who killed his wife.

Thanks to Madman
Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility.
What follows are some surprisingly hilarious variations on the usual elements.

Thanks to Madman
The good old car chase and ‘can I borrow your car’ phrase, takes on new proportions given the lack of driver. The fight scenes, helped along by inner dialogue from STEM, are utterly priceless.
The preview included an opportunity to play in a virtual world thanks to Optimus Gaming (see my Instagram for some photos). As I watched the long line of people waiting their turn I pondered:
- Stripping away all the special effects at its heart Upgrade is a murder mystery and love story;
- It was fascinating to think how many of the ‘futuristic’ elements are already available today e.g. driver-less cars and the Google or Apple home systems;
- I didn’t realize the movie was shot in Australia, it was wonderful to see some Australian actors pop up;
- The music by Palmer was heart poundingly good.
For more information go to Event Cinema.