Australian Grand Prix Withdrawal Test

Thanks to thewamphyri

After two full days watching countless flashy cars race around Albert Park, this morning I was left pondering whether you, like me, found yourself driving a tad faster, taking a corner a little tighter, or merging more smoothly with your fellow commuters. If so are you also experiencing full blown signs of GP withdrawal?
Not sure?
Okay well here’s a quick test.

This morning did you ….

  1. Pour your morning coffee into a plastic bottle and walk around the house drinking it through one of those long curly straw.
  2. Wave the kids away saying you ‘don’t have time for autographs’, that you ‘have to get in the zone’.
  3. Tuck your suit trouser legs into your socks.
  4. Pack your drivers seat with several bulky cushions so you only just fit into the super squishy space.
  5. Use your Dynomatic Labeller to punch out your name and fix it across the top of your windscreen, making sure it is dead centre.
  6. Repeat the process placing a number 15 in the bottom left hand corner of the windscreen.
  7. Ask your partner (male or female) to put on a ridiculously tight lycra outfit and stand next to the car holding an umbrella over you, while you warm up the family Ford Festiva.
  8. And finally strap a vegetable colander onto your head.
Thought so.
Well in an effort to help I thought I’d post something car related, so the next piece is one I prepared earlier. It’s the first in a series of articles published in the Mazda MX5 Magazine.

In the meantime I suggest you drive home sans colander.
Next: Cutting the umbilical cord (motoring style).


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