The Whistling Assassin (Job Satisfaction #1)

Two hours later hundreds of bees were buzzing in the wall cavity and I was opening the front door to my savior, Mike from Bee Advice, or as I like to think of him, the Whistling Assassin.


© The Ponder Room

To be fair ‘assassin’ is a bit harsh. Mike spent considerable time lamenting the fact that, had he been a little earlier, he could have taken the bees away, instead of putting then to sleep.
Watching on from a safe distance I was amazed to see him don a pair of rubber gloves, and a floppy hat before venturing towards the mass, whistling loudly as he did so.
Once again I was left pondering…..
  1. It’s heart warming to see someone who is passionate about their work, especially in the face of personal harm, and on a Sunday morning.
  2. Perhaps Mike is safe from bee stings as the bees can sense the respect he has for them.
  3. Or maybe the secret’s in the whistling.
  4. In a world where human contact is being replaced by an ever increasing number of apps, it’s reassuring to think there will still be some opportunities for human contact, to share a yarn, and learn something from each other. Not only did Mike solve my bee problem, in our brief encounter he taught me about bee lifestyles. And in a complete surprise we spent another twenty minutes talking about out respective blogs, with Mike declaring that his blog was becoming more important than the Yellow Pages. 
    © The Ponder Room




  1. I thought you’d bee impressed (pun intended). He gave me his card but it only has the email address, will contact him but I think it’s probably the same as his business name Bee Advice, I haven’t had a search for it yet

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