Will PFF 2012 see poison rings and voodoo (WA designer Alushia-Sanchia)

First up amongst our PFF WA Designer Collection is jewellery designer Alushia-Sanchia. I first became aware of Alushia’s work through her pyramid poison rings. As a child I loved anything that involved a puzzle, key, trick or surprise opening. Just as well our humble home didn’t extend to a library, or I would surely have spent days trying to uncover the hidden passageway. So when I saw Alushia’s pyramid poison rings my inner child danced with glee …
© Alushia-Sanchia
According to Alushia poison rings originated from Far East India were they were used to hold keepsakes or perfume. It wasn’t until the Middle Ages that Europeans had other, more sinister ideas, and used the hidden compartment for poisons. No longer just a simple piece of jewellery.
© Alushia-Sanchia

Much of Alushias work also goes beyond being a one dimensional piece of jewellery. Many pieces draw on deeper spiritual ponderings. As an example several pieces include turquoise and black onyx for their protective and healing properties.  
When I asked Alushia about this years PFF collection said she couldn’t say too much, but there were ‘some big surprises planned’ and that we should ‘think excess jewellery, amazing fabrics, headpieces and new product lines.
Alushia did say that the collection, named Bokor, calls on ‘sacred traditions of deities, forces of nature and magic rituals’ and that it’s ‘geographically inspired by ethnic groups from all over Africa and synthesis the 1970’s, Africa and Voodooism, embracing elements such as dance, music and the mystic world’. Ooo voodoo, … sorry my inner child took over the keyboard for a moment.
© Alushia-Sanchia

Describing the jewellery making process as ‘magical’, she conceded that …
‘Sometimes I joke to my friends that it’s not a dream come true, it’s a nightmare. You learn how to be a crazy multi-tasker.’
Having been raised by travelling jewellery making parents, she’s been surrounded by the craft since childhood. The family travelled from the UK to India, Japan and an outback Aboriginal community. All of these experiences along with a love of totems, gypsies, earth, music and the sun blended into one to form her Native-American inspired jewellery line. As she explains ‘there was never going to be anything else for her.’
When talking about inspiration and motivations Alushia says she ‘never stops thinking about new creations’, and believes she has ‘a lifetime of collections inside of me.’
© Alushia-Sanchia
In terms of advice for those starting out Alushia explained that, ‘with all business you have to know it takes time to reap the rewards and only hard work will get you there.’
‘I try to live by the mantra ‘be true to myself, be true to my dreams’ and remember to trust in myself and the universe.’
Alushia’s words and work left me pondering … 
  1. The merits of experiencing different cultures as a child.
  2. Whether modern day poison ring owners would use their hidden crevices for good or evil?
  3. Would school examiners have to check student rings for tiny paper scroll cheat sheets?
  4. And what about music festival organisers or plane security?
  5. What would you hide in the secret compartment …a tiny usb stick … ?
Look out for Alushia-Sanchia in this year’s Perth Fashion Festival. For more information go to

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