February has been frantic! What with The Giants, the Perth Writers Festival, the Perth Festival and a heap of other events thrown in it’s been tough keeping up … oh and fitting in the odd bit of work too, naturally. I’m looking forward to blogging about what’s been happening in thriving Perth, but first off, regular readers will know my passion for consumer psychology and good marketing ideas. Here’s one for all the authors out there.
This one comes from WA children’s author James Foley.
His first book was called The Last Viking (more info here) and as you can imagine the imagery lends itself to a whole stack of promotional opportunities. For the launch a while back now, the audience was decked out in Viking hats!
James went one better at this years Perth Writers Festival and teamed up with a well known local street artist to create a vast expanse of sea. Do you recognise the blue background? Have you seen the colour on a building somewhere in Perth … along the northern freeway perhaps??
Perth kids were given the opportunity to colour in their own Viking ship and then set sail on the treacherous waters.
I’m sure you’ll agree it was a great result.
Well done James on thinking outside the square yet again.
For more information about the Perth Writers Festival click here
If you know of any great marketing examples please let me know, I’ll be featuring more of them on the new improved Ponder Room.
As you can probably tell I am still learning my way around this new format, hopefully I will feel less at sea soon.