If you would like me to write a guest blog post, a freelance article or undertake some consumer psychology or branding projects for you, please contact me via the contact tab. For more information about these services go to www.glennysmarsdon.com
Monthly column
I now write a column which features monthly on Swan Magazine.
Freelance Writing
I regularly work for a number of online magazines. If you need an article written for a magazine, corporate newsletter or blog. A few examples: article-Byron-Bay; blog post – Perth Writers Festival . For more examples of tear sheets please contact me.
Consumer psychology, brand or strategy development
A passion for people and problem solving means I’ve been lucky enough to work on some challenging projects that have made a difference to how we live. Over 20 years conducting:
- Focus groups
- Indepth interviews
- Quantitative research (including online surveys)
- KPI, advertising, marketing, branding and corporate strategy development.
Personal Branding
For information about Personal Branding Workshops and one on one sessions please contact me. My personal branding clients have included well profiled artists and authors, including workshops for the Australian Association of Authors and Romance Writers of WA.
For more information see www.glennysmarsdon.com