Are shop mannequins the predictors of a nation’s psyche?


Some months back I drew your attention to the latest shop mannequins, their pose suggesting we were all in a rush, go, go, go. At the time I thought it was a one off, but what I saw the other day left me pondering whether store dummies, and their not so dumb window dresser managers, are actually the barometers of a nation’s mood.

© 2013 The Ponder Room

If so then the current batch appears to be either …

  1. Suggesting we have a deep shame of our hips (hmm possible)
  2.  Or that we should all be shooting from the hip, Clint Eastwood style 
  3. Their feet suggest they are still on the run, so perhaps they’re perfecting a new 100 metre running style (I don’t think Bolt has anything to worry about) 
  4. Or maybe they are just utterly bored. With the world on sale and the relentless election coverage, maybe they have a point.



  1. Looks like they could be star gazing.
    Or could they beIrish dancers?
    No they need their arms either crossed or swinging by their sides

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