Movie directors … part human, part sheep dog? (The Turning movie premier in Perth)


The preview of The Turning at the Luna Cinema on Monday 16th was massive. As the crowd took over every inch of the foyer and the stars started to arrive, I watched on pondering … are directors the sheepdogs of the movie kingdom. 

Part of The Turning crew, Tim Winton

©The Ponder Room

One by one actors, producers, writers took their turn in front of the publicity poster. It was fascinating to watch the man steering the project, producer, director Robert Connolly corral his charges into position, including writer Tim Winton.

Robert ‘directing’ © The Ponder Room

Working the chasm between actors and photographers he made sure everyone was accounted for, and the press went away happy. It was a masterful display

Robert, Tim ©The Ponder Room

Once through the doors the 400 strong crowd was equipped with popcorn and wine before meeting some of the cast, and settling into the three hour experience ….

©The Ponder Room

©The Ponder Room

It was easy to settle in as a major storm was underway outside. Actually the centrepiece story titled ‘The Turning’ was interrupted when the storm played havoc with the beautiful old cinema’s system … dare I say, a turning point in the evening.

The Turning premier Perth
©The Ponder Room

The Turning movie premier in Perth
©The Ponder Room

The Turning opens in Perth on Thursday 26th September

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