The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift ( A letter from the Queen)


Perhaps your relationship is squeaky new, the snoring from the pillow next to you still warming your heart. Or maybe you’re a few years in, approaching the dreaded seven year itch? Ponder this … will the face you see first in the morning, still be the same one next year? What about in 60 years? That’s right 60 years … 64 if you count the years prior to ‘putting a ring on it.’ Can you imagine living with the same person for 60 years?

Letter from Queen © The Ponder Room

In this day and age when the average marriage lasts less than 10 years, and celebrity weddings have been known to come and go in 48 hours, 60 seems utterly unfathomable. Scrap that … with people marrying in their late 30’s to 40’s, you’d have to live to 100 to achieve it, so it’s almost humanly impossible.

Letter from Queen © The Ponder Room

Next week will mark the Diamond Wedding Anniversary of two incredibly special people.

Letter from Queen © The Ponder Room

While you enjoy your Valentine’s Day, forget about the number of roses in the bunch, or the size of the diamond being presented …

Instead aspire to the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift … an envelope containing a small piece of paper and 25 words.

Whether you’re a royalist or republican, receiving that piece of paper (and similar ones from the Governor General and politicians), represents 60 years of:

Letter from Governor General © The Ponder Room

  • Compromise, as interests and goals are merged into one common direction;
  • Toil, to build a nurturing family home;
  • Patience, as children arrive, grow, leave, return and leave again;
  • Forgiveness, when the inevitable bumps appear;
  • But most of all enduring love, that simply leaves we mere mortals in awe.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Wishing you all even half as much friendship and love as this couple have shown over their years together.

Stay tuned, there’s bound to be more on this one.



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