Why you should never give up half way through (Sculpture by the Sea 2014)


So you have an idea for an art piece … something about childhood memories combining with social and environmental concerns. But how do you represent this? And how will you make sure it’s sturdy enough to survive living on Cottesloe Beach Sculpture by the Sea for a few weeks?

Thanks to Sculpture by the Sea; Annette Thas

Well if you’re Belgium born WA artist Annette Thas, you decide Barbie dolls are the way to go. 

‘Everyone can relate to them, adults and children,’ explained Annette.

In her artists statement Annette went further explaining that ‘the wave of blonde Barbie dolls alludes to childhood memories and social and environmental concerns. Do we drown or dive in and come out the other side?’

An artists life doesn’t exactly lend itself to walking into Toys R Us and loading your trolley sky high with dolls.  Besides it could generate some interesting looks, and maybe even a trip down to the station.
How many would you need anyway to make sure your point gets noticed?

Answer: A lot … how about a 10 foot wave of Barbies, that should do it. 

‘There are around 5,000 Barbies … we went to Op Shops and I asked them to hold back any that came in.’ 

I’m sure Annette, and her mother-in-law who helped her collect the dolls, felt like giving up on several occasions. Just as well they didn’t as yesterday Annette took out the Ernst and Young People’s Choice Prize.

People’s Choice Winner Sculpture by the Sea 2014 © The Ponder Room

That’s not all … she left with the Kids Choice Award too.
‘EY is proud to present the People’s Choice Prize to Annette Thas, for her impressive work wave 1, which captured the imagination of visitors to this year’s exhibition. We are pleased to be part of such an exciting event which can be enjoyed by everyone on the very special Cottesloe Beach,‘ said EY’s Perth Managing Director Michael Anghie.

People’s Choice Prize Sculpture by the Sea 2014 © The Ponder Room
Michael Anghie and David Handley.


‘Congratulations to Annette … on being voted the people’s favourite. It has been a truly enjoyable experience seeing so many people enjoying the exhibition., Thank you to the artists, our volunteers, sponsors and donors for joining us to stage this year’s show,’ said Founding Director David Handley.

This was the first time Annette had entered the Awards, and watching her genuine shock and pride as she accepted the trophies left me pondering:
  1. Never give up half way through;
  2. I can’t believe that 5,000 blonde Barbies had been orphaned;
  3. The piece may still be up for sale, so if you want to be father of year let me know and I will tell you who to contact … just saying.
The two runners up in the People’s Choice Award were:

Kerrie Argent’s piece Over Consumption

Thanks Sculpture by the Sea Kerrie Argent


Alejandro Propato’s piece Permanent Sunset, which also took out the Sculpture by the Sea employees award.
Thanks to Sculpture by the Sea Alejandro Propato

The sculptures will be packing up today, but the images can still be seen on the website, if you need inspiration for next year.

Stay tuned for a few more posts about the sculptures in the coming weeks.



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