Movie Review: Spit


It’s not often a sequel outshines the original, but that’s the case in the latest Johnny Spitieri movie, Spit. The loveable larrikin is destined to part of another Aussie cult classic. Spit is the man and the movie is what we need in our lives right now.


We first met Johnny Spitieri (David Wenham) twenty-three years ago in Gettin’ Square which quickly become an Australian cult classic.

When we last heard of Spit, he was hiding out overseas. After twenty years on the run, he slipped back home on a false passport. Seconds into his return he finds himself locked up in an Immigration Detention Centre.

Things aren’t all bad though as Spit quickly makes friends while holding informal English classes or should that be Australian “English” classes?

But word soon gets out that Spit is back in town and while the police dust off a cold case robbery, his enemies come looking for him.

Spit the movie is a hilarious look at family, mateship, what it means to be Australian, that you should never underestimate anyone and life is the luck of the draw.
As the audience wondered out exchanging knowing smiles I pondered:

  1. The movie is full of Aussie acting royalty as the producers managed to bring the old team back together. Unbelievable in itself, what’s even more impressive is this extended to the crew of stylists etc. Equally impressive, the movie only took seven weeks to film;
  2. The movie is hilarious, with one of the best courtroom scenes ever;
  3. Wenham is utterly superb in creating a character as loveable as Strop, for those old enough the remember. It was so good to see Spit again and learn his backstory;
  4. I was fortunate to attend the Q&A with Wenham where he discussed the joys of putting the famous thongs back on after 23 years and the art of running in them. He also let slip that the skinny jeans were maternity jeans and that Johnny may have been let loose on London for a day;
  5. I’m looking forward to watching this one again with mates.

For more information go to Luna Cinemas.

9.5 A new Aussie classic
  • overall 9.5
  • User Ratings (0 Votes) 0

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