I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with The Portal movie, especially as it has been dubbed genre defying. It could go two ways. Thankfully this one went the right way, an interesting look into the power of the mind.
The Portal asks the question what would happen if 7 billion people all meditated? Could it shift the trajectory of our planet?
The documentary tracks the lives of six people, who each tell their story in three parts. The imagery takes the audience to a Syrian refugee camp, the USA, Canada and Australia.
Regularly breaking the fourth wall, and using immersive sound and visuals, we are invited to relax and discover what is possible for humanity if 7 billion people pass through the meditation portal. Along the way it is a reminder about what’s important in life.
As I lined up for the bathroom afterwards (in a bit of a hurry given all the stunning watery images) I pondered:
- It’s not often the audience claps at the end of a movie;
- Several people around me said they felt refreshed;
- The movie is a great reminder to get back into meditation;
- The message also highlighted the power of the mind to heal.
For more information go to Luna cinema.