If you were a school teacher who was suddenly charged with delivering a murderer to court where he would face certain death would you do it? What if it involved a long journey across unforgiving desert countryside? Would you deliver him or would you provide opportunities for him to escape? Such was the dilemma faced by Daru (Viggo Mortensen) in Far From Men.

Far From Men by Michael Crotto
Opening on a desolate unforgiving location the film soon had me pondering why Daru (Viggo Mortensen) is living in such a remote location. This becomes even more ponderous when a stream of small children descend the mountains. Like little mountain goats they tumble down the hills and come to rest inside a small school room where Daru teaches.

Far From Men by Michael Crotto
Daru is soon asked to escort a prisoner (Reda Kateb) to the regional police station where he will undergo a trial and surely be killed for murdering a relative. Given that its 1954, the trip would mean leaving the school for a day or two and trekking through unforgiving territory during the Algerian war. Not a cushy prospect. Daru declines as he does not agree with delivering a man to his death. But when it’s pointed out to him that once a man has been handed over the responsibility lies with the newly entrusted. This means anyone looking for the prisoner will also come looking for Daru.
Born in Algeria, but of Spanish heritage, Daru straddles both cultures without being fully accepted in either. When the prisoner explains that he wants to go to trial, and that if he doesn’t pay for his crime his family will, Darus reluctantly agrees to take him on to the station.

Far From Men by Michael Crotto
Their journey is a slow moving saga over rocky desert land where they often find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, including in the middle of a war.
The performances by Mortensen and Kateb were highly believable as they come to rely on each other and their relationship develops into a friendship.
The cinematography is wonderful particularly the close up shots, the beads of sweat almost had me perspiring in sympathy.
For me the atmospheric music went beyond emphasising the action. I found myself pondering what the next sounds would be. When I read that the music was by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis it made sense.
It was inevitable that the characters would come to a crossroads. If left alone would the prisoner choose freedom or certain death?

Far From Men by Michael Crotto
As the film finished I pondered …
- I was so relieved that the movie didn’t stop at the crossroads, leaving the viewers to make up their own conclusion. Having been on such a long journey no resolution would have been very disappointing. The slow fade out was a perfect ending to the meandering journey.
- If you like condensed milk you will love this movie. as it highlights the power of this sticky substance to keep you alive (should you find yourself in the middle of a desert with about three different groups of people on your tail, as you do).
- It was a little disappointing when our journeymen leapt behind an outcrop of rocks that seemed to have suddenly sprung up in the middle of the desert … very handy.
- I hope Mortensen continues to make such interesting movie choices. I continue to go to movies just because he is in them and have yet to be disappointed.
- The film is well worth a look, especially on the big screen.
Widely acclaimed at Venice Film Festival and Margaret Pomeranz’s pick of the Alliance Francaise French Film Festival 2015.
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