Talk about timing. After two weeks in Fiona Stanley Hospital I emerged just in time for the 2015 Good Food and Wine Show. To say that my stomach was excited was an understatement. Here’s six things that were new to me this year including a World First.

Good Food and Wine Show 2015 © The Ponder Room
The humble banana (Destapa Banana)
First up the promise of a banana that you could fill with …well anything that takes your fancy really. The sign boasted the ‘World’s First Fillable Banana’. I asked for a demonstration and watched on as an implement that looked like a cross between an oversized hypodermic needle, and a male sexual dysfunction apparatus, was introduced to a somewhat bashful banana.

Good Food and Wine Show 2015 © The Ponder Room
Pleasantries exchanged the implement then descended into the banana and removed its core. Once removed the resulting whole was filled with one of those long chocolate wafer biscuits that normally sit dormant in their can until Christmas. Another was filled with a squeeze of Nutella. My mind started pondering about other substances that could be inserted into the freshly minted orifice … mint perhaps? Though not mint leaf lollies sadly.

Good Food Wine Show 2015 © The Ponder Room

Good Food and Wine Show 2015 © The Ponder Room
Blue and Green Chocolate (Boella and Sorrisi)
To my mind you can’t have a food expo without chocolate. This year I was surprised to find blue chocolate which from memory was made up of blueberries. It was an interesting taste but then I tried the green version. Marketed as ‘Green Apple Chocolate’ it surpassed it’s blue cousin with its refreshing taste, definitely something I’d like to try again. My mind instantly went to a creamy green apple mouse and wondered whether I could get away with classing it a ‘palate cleanser’.

Good Food Wine Expo 2015 © The Ponder Room

Good Food Wine Expo 2015 © The Ponder Room
The Hummus Club
Next I overheard a couple of dreadlocked heads discussing the joys of hummus as they gravitated towards The Humus Club stand and when I got there I could see why. The choice of winning a Hummus Party or free hummus for a year was an interesting marketing idea. Sadly my belly was already reeling after too much cheese and chocolate but the product certainly looked enticing.

Good Food Wine Expo 2015 © The Ponder Room
Steamed Bao
Nearby was a stand serving something called Steamed Bao. I hadn’t seen them at an expo before. There were three fillings – Teriyaki mushroom, beansprout and tatsoi; Buttermilk Ramen Chicken with iceburg and chilli; or Black vinegar braised beef shin, pineapple and cucumber. At $7 each or $20 for three I look forward to trying them next year.

Good Food Wine Expo 2015 © The Ponder Room
One of the prettiest stalls was around the corner … locally made handcrafted gourmet marshmallows, that’s right gourmet marshmallow. Gluten, dairy and egg white free it made me ponder what was actually left to put in the light squares of sweetness. From personal experience the vanilla option was delicious but the chilli chocolate was my favourite, especially when the little kick of heat kept coming as I tried to carry on a conversation with the owner. It was great to read that they had less sugar than a macaroon and could be kept in the fridge for three weeks … not in my fridge. Marshmalloz

Good Food Wine Expo 2015 © The Ponder Room
I guess the stall that surprised me the most was in Dan Murphy’s Beer and Cider Hall. It was the sign that got me first … ‘how to drink beer’. I know the vast array of exhibition seemed to go on and on but had I taken a wrong turn somewhere and some how left Australia and ended up in Japan? Do Australians really need lessons on how to drink beer?
As I made my way out of the show I pondered …
- The number of people cramming into the beer classes suggests that something has definitely happened to the Australian psyche. Clearly beer appreciation has moved way beyond watching the Adventures of Barry McKenzie, Alvin Purple or Paul Hogan (the early years).
- Walking past the banana stand one last time I was reminded of how some of my friends (not me mum) used oranges and watermelons to smuggle alcohol into music festivals. The mind boggles about what could be smuggled in a hallowed out banana these days. Its the police and security guards that I feel for, not only will they have to delve into patrons handbags now they’re going to have to say … ‘I’m sorry sir but I’ll have to take a look inside your banana’.
Congratulations to the organisers for yet another successful show. More posts to come later. For more information about the Good Food and Wine Show