The threat of a storm wasn’t enough to put me off Taste Perth 2015. I’d been last year so I knew it was worth the effort and I wasn’t wrong, this year was better. So much so it’s too much for one post, so if you’re not into food look away for a couple of days.
I was fortunate to go on Friday night. It was a beautiful night. It would have been easy to spend all night taking in the warm friendly atmosphere while listening to the DJ. But food challenges awaited.
I loaded my Crown Card with $50. Similar to last year each restaurant offered around four options. One option was a signature dish costing around $20 Crowns. This year there were more options sitting at around $6 or $8. This was a terrific initiative. It meant you could try more options from more restaurants, which after all was what the night was all about.
First stop was Cocktail Gastronomy.
With the Bunsen Burners at the ready it was theatre time …
And what theatre …
Theatre completed it was time to stop pondering about the food and start tasting.
Next up on The Ponder Room … the food …
For more information on Taste Perth
Worth going