In last years post about the Public 2014 street art festival I pondered … ‘could we lucky enough to have a repeat performance next year’ (see post here). Well we didn’t get a repeat performance … we got more. This year saw 50 artists making over 42 walls and what a treat it was. If you’ve been following my Instagram feed you’ll already have an insight, if not I’ll be putting up some Work In Progress posts over the coming weeks to give you an appreciation of the work behind the artworks that now reside amongst us. First up Hosae.

© The Ponder Room Hosae in Leederville
The first major work I came across was in Leederville near Luna Cinema where Perth artist Hosae had sketched out his intricate piece.

© The Ponder Room Hosae in Leederville
Then he began on the colour …

© The Ponder Room Hosae close
But as I watched on it soon became obvious that something was wrong. The scissor lift was stuck. Fine if you’re down on the ground but not if it’s extended at full height which was the case. What to do?

© The Ponder Room

© The Ponder Room
After several attempts the key button/tag was found and Hosae was told to ‘hang on to something’.
Thankfully the lift moved and Hosae returned to solid ground.
With the enormity of the job ahead staring at him there was no time to wait for the lift to be fixed, instead he reverted to the ladder and continued on.
As I take another look at my photos I’m left pondering :
- Just like last year Form, and the 50 artists involved, have lifted Perth up another notch.
- Interesting how a wall, some paint, time and considerable talent can bring about interesting conversations with complete strangers and even new friendships.
- It’s such a shame that the artists don’t get much time to take a break and walk around watching each other work like we mere mortals get to.
- Thanks to everyone involved in bringing this event alive again this year
I’ll come back at a later date and add in a photo of the finished wall. In the meantime why not go check it out in person you won’t be disappointed.
For more information about Public 2015 go to the Form site.
Public 2015 festival