Been called a Show Pony? Just what does it take to be a Show Pony?


Ever been called a ‘Show Pony’?  Just what does it take to be a show pony? Last week the Gypsy Circus packed up their tents and left Langley Park. While they were in town I took the opportunity to ponder what it means to be a real ‘Show Pony’. Just how derogatory a comment is it? For those of you trying to perfect the art here’s a brief guide. Turns out it involves …

Gypsy Circus © The Ponder Room

Being able to withstand hour upon relentless hour of this …

Gypsy Circus © The Ponder Room

some of this …

Gypsy Circus © The Ponder Room

followed by gastric banding for those of you who may have overindulged, and be in danger of not fitting into your performance outfit …

Gypsy Circus © The Ponder Room

until finally, showtime, when you get to strut your stuff, while pondering ways to stand out from your fellow Show Ponies …

Thanks to gypsy circus

Whereas for the goats it was more like …

Gypsy Circus © The Ponder Room

So now you know what a real Show Pony has to go through the term’s hardly derogatory at all is it? The next time sometime calls you a ‘Show Pony’, stick your chest out and wear the label with pride, at least it’s better than being called a goat*.

* Note to self … investigate a goats life in a coming post.

The ponies were recently in Perth with Gypsy Circus, for more information go to



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