The Ponder Room recognised in WA Top 100 food blogs


Evidently on January 25 this year there were 275 food-related blogs in WA. That’s a lot of blushing beetroots being photographed in restaurants, and a lot of friends being asked to ‘hang on can I just take a photo first?’. I’m absolutely thrilled to say that The Ponder Room made it into the Top 100. What’s more we came in at number 17 woohoo!


Thanks to the immense talents of Martine, or chompchomp as some of you might know her, we now have a ranking of the top 169 WA food blogs (there were another 106 that didn’t have any data attached so she couldn’t analyse them). Martine is a fascinating food and travel blogger. With a French shoe designing father and a Cantonese/Irish mother how could she not be. Martine got the idea for the Top 100 from Thang No of Noodlies link blog fame.

The measure used is an Alexa Ranking which is a USA based subsidiary of Amazon that provides commercial traffic measures. It looks at the number of daily unique visitors and the number of page views over a three month period.

Thanks go to chompchomp and Thang for going to the effort of producing the lists. And a HUGE thank you to everyone who’s sat patiently eyeing off their meal while I manoeuvred their plate into the ‘perfect’ photo position. The list has inspired me to keep going, so expect more delayed eating my friends … sorry.
To read the rest of Martine’s list click here.
If you have a restaurant you’d like me to check out just drop me a line.


  1. Congratulations. We have read your reviews with much interest and must report that we have followed up on some of your suggestions and been really happy with the food, service and atmosphere in each of the restaurants. Keep it going.

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