The Ponder Room receives Versatile Blogger Award


This post has been updated to  include 15 links to other great blogs.
So thrilled to let you know that The Ponder Room has received a Versatile Blogger Award woohoo! The Award looks at the uniqueness of topics covered, the quality of writing, and the level of love displayed in the photographs and writing. As I said woohoo!!

The disparate nature, or versatility, of The Ponder Room is an issue I’ve pondered on and off many, many times since starting the blog. When I started blogging everyone was making subject specific blogs, focusing on food, travel, mummy blogs, or business. I was convinced I was doing something wrong and didn’t really belong in the blogging world at all. 

Try as I might I couldn’t convince my wondering mind to ponder one topic. As a result it was immensely difficult to explain what kind of blog The Ponder Room was when people asked. I envied people who could say ‘it’s a mummy blog‘, whereas my answer would begin strong, with purpose even, and then fall away into a sheepish mumble, that I could see glazing over in the listeners eyes as they wondered off in search of another glass of wine or coffee. So I am absolutely thrilled to find out about the Versatile Blogger Awards, and that versatile blogs are getting recognition. It’s so nice to know we fellow wondering minds are not alone.

versatile-blogger-award-trophy[1]I need to give a huge shout out to Maureen Helen who nominated me for the Award. I first met Maureen through my association with the Australian Society of Authors when I organised an End of Financial Year coffee. Little did I know that this hastily put together event would lead to a wonderful friendship with Maureen and another excellent author Sharron Meadows. We catch up up every now and then to discuss writing, and Sharron makes sure we always leave with some goals for our next meeting. These meetings, and the developing friendships, are one of those delightfully unexpected happenings that pop into your life without explanation, I value them greatly.

Now as part of the rules I must pay it forward and nominate 15 versatile blogs that I find interesting. Regular readers will know my passion for paying it forward, so I am delighted to do this. However it might take a while as I must admit that I don’t actually get much time to look at other blogs. When I do get time to venture into the blogsphere it’s usually to rush onto The Ponder Room and post something, so I may have to come back and add to the list later. Finally the list finished phew!
versitle-blogger bw

So here goes … first up, Maureen naturally.

Now for the other part I’m off to tell Maureen 7 things about me.

For more information about the Versatile Blogger Award go to



  1. Congratulations on a well deserved award.
    Have been following you for some time after a friend directed me to The Ponder Room and have been most impressed with the variety of and interesting blogs you have given us. Looking forward to a continuation of your “Ponders”

  2. Big Congratulations Glennys!!!! That’s absolutely fantastic news and much deserved too! I enjoy the diversity of your posts both entertaining and informative. What awesome news to share! 🙂

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