This vehicle has been reported


For several weeks now I’ve driven passed an abandoned van parked outside a beautiful old church in the leafy suburb of Mount Lawley. At first I thought it might be some young backpackers trying to avoid rising accommodation rates. But then I noticed the sign on the window … ‘this vehicle has been reported’. Day after day I passed by and my ponderings grew…

Vehicle © The Ponder Room

On the first few drive bys I only noticed the John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson images from Pulp Fiction. But soon my eye caught another aspect, the side window, a security cage sending my grey matter into overdrive …

Vehicle © The Ponder Room

Weeks later I decided that if the van was still there I’d take a closer look. This I duly did and spying the cute Mickey Mouse my ponderings took on a more positive note, that was until I saw what Mickey was doing.

Vehicle © The Ponder Room

By Christmas Eve my work-fuddled brain had settled on the most likely story …
Clearly the owners had fled in a hurry leaving the gangly octogenarian priest from the church bound and gagged inside the van waiting for divine intervention. Doubled up lying on his left side Father Gregory preyed that on Christmas morning his saviour would descend, hear his muffled cries and come to his salvation. In the meantime he occupied his time looking at the surfing and girly pictures plastered around the inside of the van. The curves of the wave, girls and side of the van melding into one …

Vehicle © The Ponder Room

Sadly last week I drove passed and the van was gone, and so my regular trips return to their normal boring ponderings, until the next one …

Vehicle © The Ponder Room
If anyone knows anything about the van, or has other ponderings I’d love to hear them.


  1. Could it be that the bride was left waiting at the church and together with the groom they were going to travel the world in their lovevan. Upon being jilted she showed her artistic gift by leaving a message using Mickey to show how she felt about her ex boyfriend and the world.

  2. There’s a car in Shelley on the river that has a rear window missing that has been taped up with plastic, it is dirty it is old and I pass the car every day. I am pondering, do the people in the house opposite own it or has it been abandoned. The plastic is ripped and if it rained would serve no purpose. Rae x

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