What snails can teach us about life


We’ve all felt a moment when time moves too slowly. A long queue at the traffic lights when you realise you should have gone to the toilet before you left home. The minutes, hours, days that pass while you wait for medical tests to come back, or a text to be answered.  Imagine then life lived at a snails pace … 

 Snails in Sydney © The Ponder Room

Starting out at 6am to get the bus to work, you’d end up at the stop by 10am, but along the way you’d have seen a barage of interesting people, and picked up on all the latest fashion trends.

Lunch would become dinner thereby reducing the number of calories taken in.

A nightcap of Kalua and milk would be something you put on your Coco Pops … snap, crackle and hic.

Life lived at a slower pace would give you time to catch up with friends. But where to meet? Festival shows would come and go before you’d even gathered to make a group booking. Bookclubs would be pointless as someone would surely let out a spoiler before you were even half way through the book. There is one place however ….

©  The Ponder Room

The Museum. At least there you and your friends would have a chance of finding something remotely current. You’d have time to take in the mistakes made by others and how not to repeat them.

As we race around at breakneck speed it’s worthwhile pondering life at a slower pace every now and again. Perhaps not at snails pace, but at least one where we have time to catch up with friends, enjoy the a leisurely stroll to the bus and ponder mistakes we’ve made and how to live a better life.

For more ideas about living a slower life and getting more Me Time, see my book ‘Me Time: 100 strategies for guilt free Me Time.’


1 Comment

  1. Love a museum, unfortunately I am the only one in the family to do so. Taking a friend though kills two birds with one stone, you get to take your time, enjoy the company and get to chat. Love the snails, wish we had them here in Perth, maybe we will get a turn. Rae xxx

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