How to be a cultured inner city cool cat (Main Coone)


So you want to be a cultured inner city cool cat hey? In tune with the latest trends or better still way ahead of them. Then you might want to take a few pointers from Big and Furry who I met in Northbridge last week. 


Main Coone cat pondering in Northbridge © 2013 The Ponder Room

I met Big and Furry, or BF as I like to call him, as I left the latest MoMA exhibition at the Art Gallery of WA. Inspiration soaring after the Van Gogh, Dali and Beyond exhibition, I needed to sit for a while and ponder about what I’d seen. That’s when I met BF, hanging out at PICA café. Nothing phased him, he had all the moves.


BF, Main Coone cat © 2013 The Ponder Room

BF remained chilled when a flock of seagulls flew overhead. Only four years old he already knew there was no point getting excited about something so transient, especially since his breed had been known to catch hares.

Same thing when copious tourists got right up in his face taking photos. There was however, a slight hesitation when a drunk looked like he wanted to take him home, but he too was soon dispatched with a wave of his tail. 


BF, Main Coone cat pondering about
is relatives in the exhibition
© 2013 The Ponder Room

Weighing in at 7 kilos BF knew it was pointless trying to climb the nearby gumtree, instead he was happy lounging in its shade. 

Being a Main Coone cat, one of the oldest breeds in North America, he knew he was special, and very rare in these parts.     There are several theories about this pedigree. Some suggest they are the result of a domestic cats’ romantic dalliance with a racoon. Others say they were descendants from the cats Marie Antoinette owned during the French Revolution. This I pondered was probably why BF wasn’t phased about the leash around his neck.     Your normal moggy might object to such restraints, but BF had been wearing the collar since he was a kitten. Besides an extra long extension meant he could roam quite a distance in the cultural precinct, thereby maintaining his independence.

As I left BF soaking up the afternoon sun I did ponder …  

  1. Whether he’d come into Northbridge to visit his long lost relatives in the WA Museums Secrets of the After Life Egyptian exhibition. He seemed to be spending a lot of time looking at the cat featured on the exhibition banner.
  2. What would happen if your standard Aussie moggy took a walk on the wild side with a local possum … actually its probably best not to ponder some things.
  3. BF is another example of how interesting life is if you stop and take a moment to look around.

For more information about the exhition go to


1 Comment

  1. Could BF be the original “cat among the pidgeons”.
    As long as he’s not a catastrophe
    Maybe he’s keeping an eye on the computer “mouses”

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