Celebrating 25 years, the Hopman Cup moved to its new home in the Perth Arena, and with it came some new traditions. Unfortunately the public couldn’t get up close and personal with the trophy. Thankfully though the trophy remained the same … the highly prized diamond studded balls. Made by Brinkhaus Jewellers they were at the dazzlingly high levels seen in previous years. The other jewellery on show at the Hopman Cup Ball was equally dazzling.
© The Ponder Room
© The Ponder Room
For more photos read on
This year the ball included 199 diamonds, a massive one indicating Perth’s place on the map.
© The Ponder Room
Seated just above the trophy during one session I must admit we did spend some time pondering a Mission Impossible style heist. With all eyes on the court we calculated that we’d need a glass cutter, one of those amusement game arm thingy’s and about 60 seconds, queue the music.
© The Ponder Room
Clearly as I’m still writing the blog and not sitting in a hammock in Hawaii we didn’t succeed.
For information on Brinkhaus Jewellers go to www.brinkhausjewellers.com.au
Oh to win the HOpman cup
Fancy owning The Tennis Ball
or having somebody buy you one
of those rings oh ax
We can but dream ax … or spend years hitting a small yellow ball up against a wall 🙂