Continuing the series about ‘how to get through Monday-itis’ … on the weekend I was privy to a sight that left me pondering, two things … I’ll never complain about tight deadlines again, and so you thought you could dance.
Late Saturday afternoon I checked out the Beaufort Street Festival. Having gone last year I knew it would be a great day, busy, but great. What I hadn’t anticipated was that over 100,000 people seemed to have the same idea, at exactly the same time as me, clearly word had spread. The fair didn’t disappoint as you’ll see over the coming posts. There was however one job that stood out.
Ponder this …
It’s 3pm and over 34 degrees, thong melting weather (that’s foot thongs for those of you overseas … although). Before you is a sea of 100,000 people. Your covered head to toe in material and have limited vision.
How then do you have the fortitude to break out in a boggie?
I’m not talking about a small jig on the spot either. No it was a lightning speed extended play that stopped people in their tracks. As the crowd built up around you, the other dancers simply give up in defeat and stopped to watch your brilliance. Though I have no idea what you were (an Everready Battery crossed with a tree perhaps) I ponder ….so you think you can dance? Yes you can mystery dancer, yes you can.
All power to you mystery dancer!!!!
he isnt a mystery dancer.
he is the boomtik logo promoting the breakfest event.
marketing in action.
Excellent! Thanks for letting me know. Fantastic dancer!!!