Beachside House for sale … free milk

Things I know …. (1) The global housing market has been down of late  (2) Way out West in W.A. our isolation means we often do things differently and don’t conform to normal conventions   (3) Our creative industry is rapidly gaining international recognition. Still seeing this house for sale in the prime beachside location of Cottesloe left me pondering …  

© The Ponder Room


© The Ponder Room
  1. Is this the beginning of some new fangle dangled real estate marketing strategy?
  2. Don’t they realise they’re limiting their potential market, I mean clearly anyone who’s lactose intolerant won’t apply?
  3. Similarly vegans.
  4. Perhaps it’s a case of Hobby Farming gone to extremes.
  5. Or maybe the designs seen at Home Sweet Home weren’t that extreme after all Home Sweet Home chaos 
  6. How long will it be before the RSPCA puts a stop to this strategy?
  7. But mostly I’d love to know if the buyers insist on having the cow thrown in …gently ofcourse.
Note: Just incase anyone with tired eyes is thinking of calling the RSPCA …it’s not a real cow.


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