Forgiveness (Sculpture by the Sea 2012)

By now you’ve read about Chen Wenling’s Sculpture by the Sea piece going walkabout, then being found in someone’s roof space. On my way to Cottesloe Beach I pondered what, if anything, would be in its previous resting place, and whether anything would be said during the People’s Choice announcement. What I found was …
Where there once stood …..
© The Ponder Room
© The Ponder Room
Now there was ….
© The Ponder Room
While I don’t know the significance of the piece hanging off the bollard, I’m hoping it wards off evil spirits and sends good health and great success back to the Chen Wenling. Given the reactions of others around me he certainly has a lot of good vibes being sent his way.
This was echoed by Festival Director David Handley who said everyone had been blown away by the community’s reaction, an “outpouring of disbelief and shock at the damage to the sculpture.” Almost as shocking was the fact that Chen Wenling said he’d be back exhibiting in Perth again, an inspirational example of forgiveness. I was left pondering….
  1. Whether I would be that generous of spirit.
  2. If the original statue was actually wagging it’s finger say “Oh no you don’t, you really don’t want to do that mate.”


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