STOP PRESS: There are now three options for purchasing this book, go to the ‘Books By Me’ tab for more information.
For the writers amongst us, you’ll know all about the months spent writing, re-writing, taking photos, gathering quotes, picking paper stock, deciding on formats, cover designs, throwing it all away, retrieving it, then handing your precious little one over to a professional editor and waiting ….
So I hope you’ll excuse me if I take a moment to go … woohoo … but my third book Me Time is here!! This being International Women’s Day I thought it might be an appropriate day to tell you about it. If you’re not interested, no drama at all, we’ll be back to the Perth Writers Festival and Sculpture by the Sea shortly.
Ponder this …
© The Ponder Room
My interest began during the 1980s ‘Greed Is Good’ era, when I often worked through the night developing marketing, advertising and new product strategies for clients. Years later while catching up with colleagues I saw the direct impact of lives lived fast. We worked hard, we played hard and if that wasn’t enough we also punished our bodies at the gym. Fast forward to 2010.
I was asked to help research a difficult, critical social issue, which meant travelling across Australia chatting to both sides of the equation. Those personally affected by the issue, those causing it and those asked to police or provide services to help. While racing across the country my client laughed off the fact that ‘all nighters’ would be required to meet an unrealistic deadline … I wasn’t laughing. It was too late I’d already committed myself to the project and the topic was too important to pass on … nothing had changed I was back in the 1980’s.
Consequently I decided enough was enough this couldn’t happen to another generation of researchers. Once the project was finished I took 9 months off to talk to a wide range of Australians, both men and women, about their own attempts to build a balanced life. As is often the case with qualitative research you end up uncovering more than you mean to as people open up and tell you their story. On this occasion I uncovered a key barrier to Me Time … guilt.
- Couples in workaholic marriages tend to have twice the divorce rate.
- Only 2% of us can truly multi-task effectively.
- People who sit at a desk all day only to go home and plonk themselves on the sofa all night (who me?), are subjecting themselves to health risks as insidious as smoking, or over exposure to the sun.
© The Ponder Room
And so Me Time was born.
Designed as a gift book Me Time contains 100 real-life strategies and tips, quotes, medical facts, plus black and white photographs.
Price: $15+ postage (direct from me). Part proceeds go to Health research. See Stop Press at the top of this page.
Woo-hoo right back at you! Having seen a sneak preview of this I’m really excited about it and especially since I’m a busy multi-tasking mum who also sneaks bathroom time for me time (I’m waiting for my husband to ask me if I have some kind of gastro problem …) then I am ready to devour this book and sell it to all my friends 🙂
Double woo-hoo. If your hubby starts serving up side dishes of prunes, stewed fruit and suggests a proctologist visit he may be onto you 🙂 in the meantime enjoy your hideway guilt-free, safe in the knowledge that everyone does it
Hello. I can pre order a copy through you via the contact form? Where is the contact form? I am lost but would like to pre order a copy.
Apologies for not making it clearer. Just go to the tab at the top that says contact me and send me a message. Look forward to hearing from you. If you have any trouble just write here again and I will work out something else.