Snowball survives hell


At the beginning of the year, when I ventured into Amanda Kendle’s UWA Extension course, I had no idea how much it would impact on my life. If you’d have told me then, that ten months later I’d have a blog, and be writing my 100th post, my response would have been….. ‘there’s a snowballs chance in hell of that ever happening’. But here we are.

Thanks to mandiberg

Many thanks to everyone who has dropped by, and a big, big thank you to those who have stuck around and made a comment or two. It really helps to know there are people out there.
I sincerely hope your visits have added a small giggle to your life.
You may have noticed some changes to the blog since the beginning. A few months ago Amanda was running an advanced blogging course at UWA. Knowing the impact of the previous course, I desperately tried to resist the temptation, but in the end my resolve was weak.
By 9am we small band of ten keen students had stumbled into the classroom, each greeted by Amanda as if we were a family member. A self confessed travel addict and writer (see her blog link ) Amanda allowed us to sap her brain for the rest of the day. If I’m honest it was less of a gentle probe, and more of an industrial strength dredging. It wasn’t long before we were talking about gadgets, widgets, Google rankings, advertising and our respective blogging addictions. So now you know why things have been flipping around in here lately, and if you like the changes you’ll know who to thank.
On that note, a huge thank you to Amanda, I can’t imagine the number of people you’ve set on the blogging/social media road over the past few years. Your passion, ability to share knowledge, and patience when teaching is an inspiration.
So 100 posts on I am left pondering…
  1. If you’re ever in a predicament pondering whether your widget should be falling to the left or the right, don’t panic, just cross your legs, hold your breath, and shuffle along to the next UWA social media course.
  2. How best to brace myself for the next onslaught of blog induced life changes? So far my choices are – forge on ahead – lock the door, turn off the computer and open a packet of dark chocolate Tim Tams – or ask my friends to set up an intervention. Time will tell which strategy wins out.


  1. Oh goodness me, thank you very much!! Much too flattering 🙂 I just like getting bunches of people together who actually enjoy me droning on and on about blogs since most people just give me a strange look and shuffle slowly backwards. I’m so glad you’ve got so much out of the courses! xx

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