Premature Patriotism


copyright The Ponder Room

The air is getting thicker, the minutes struggling to tick by. National pride is oozing from streets, supermarkets, and grey office cubicles.

There’s an epidemic of lamingtons, lamb cutlets and prawns taking over the supermarket shelves. Trying to find a packet of dahl or Malaysian curry paste is like searching for the Holy Grail.

The streets are different too. Worries about fuel consumption or carbon footprints are forgotten. The engines of old work horse Utes are straining under the drag of full sized, fluttering Australian flags. There’s even a kookaburra laughing on the power pole over the road, no really!

Our national day is almost upon us. The level of mateship displayed during the Queensland Floods, combined with the warm Oprah embrace, is propelling the nation to the point of apoplexy….Australia Day 2011.

Meanwhile I am left to ponder…..surely a half hour fireworks display will be enough to satiate us, and the subsequent two hour traffic jam wont prove too big a test for Aussie mateship?

Hang on why’s that kookaburra looking at me like that?


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